My Own Little Man-Diary: Literary Wyrm

Friday, November 4

Literary Wyrm

I had just finished reading a book.

One thing I really wanted to read since it first came out was Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. Having read all except one of his books, Dan Brown was fast becoming my favorite author. The third book in the series which features professor Robert Langdon who specializes in symbology.

I had taken interest in his books because of the then controversial release of The Da Vinci Code. My sister and I then bought all the books by Dan Brown: Deception Point, Digital Fortress, Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code. And just because it piqued my curiosity more, I read The Da Vinci Code first, not thinking that it was the 2nd book in the series. I like Angels & Demons better.

The only Dan Brown book I haven't read was Deception Point. I had only started to read it, but I put it down after reading a couple pages. I had gotten lazy, since reading Digital Fortress which kind of disappointed me. But people tell me that the book is good, and I'll probably go back to reading it, and finishing this time.

The Lost Symbol is the most recent book I've read, but a couple of months before I had read The Little Prince which I read in one night. I am proud, the only other book I've read in a night was Mitch Albom's For One More Day. I read it, simply because I was bored. And a few weeks before reading The Little Prince, I read George R. R. Martin's  A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire. I wish to read all the books in the series.

I only read A Game of Thrones because I had watched the HBO adaptation of it, Game of Thrones. I saw the series before reading the book and still felt compelled to read it. And after reading the book, I watched every episode again and found that I understood the whole mythos more, even noticed slight changes from the book, like the renaming of Jon Arryn's child into Robin, rather than Robert. This was done so that viewers would not confuse him with Robert Baratheon, from which the child was named.

I'm no bookworm, that's for sure. But with all the books I've read, I actually read more than a lot of my friends who don't read at all. This is with the exception of school books, of course. But if that counts, I lost the reading contest.

And I realized somewhere along writing this post that I only read books that are popular. I've even read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. This would put-off most male readers because the Twilight series is intended for teenage girls. I don't mind having read the series, and if someone asks me, I'll say Team Jacob.

One series that I haven't read yet is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The books always seem to elude me. The only book I've read is the first, and having seen all movies, some plot points are already known to me. If someone's reading this post right now who hasn't seen the movies, but is reading the novels first, you heard it here first. Dumbledore is GAY. You're welcome.

There are a lot of books out there that have a cult following, most of this involving some form of mythology that only expands with every passing book. Some books that adapted to film are even more famous as a film than it's source, Jurassic Park is one quite example.

There are some books that I've read that are quite surprising even for me, just because I've read it. I've read a novel by R. A. Salvatore, a very popular author known for his Forgotten Realms books. The name of the book fazed me, but after a minute of searching the net by typing a few keywords I remembered, I can say that the title of the book was The Crystal Shard which is part of The Icewind Dale trilogy.

I've actually really just want to read more these days, but without funding I'm stuck with reading eBooks which is, for me, harder to read. There's really just a different feeling with flipping a page with your finger. Most days, I just watch TV series and lie in bed.

And honestly, reading just seemed like a better hobby.

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