My Own Little Man-Diary: Birthday Wants and Wishes

Tuesday, January 4

Birthday Wants and Wishes

Earlier tonight, my friend asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I couldn't answer him. Maybe because I knew what I wanted or because I don't really want anything. My wants are too grand for friends who are students like me, only given allowance for school. Or for parents already trying hard enough to support me and my siblings.

A few of my wants are a brand new laptop, a PS3, a not necessarily brand new car, a gaming desktop computer, and new gadgets like an iTouch or a new cellphone. Wants -- I want them, I don't need them. I really, really want them. Is it because I can't have them that I want them? -- Maybe.. probably. I can't lie and tell myself that I would die without them. But already having them, wouldn't be a problem either.

The things on this list are very expensive. A price tag on the PS3 alone would give you Php 15,000.00 -- games not included. I would love to have the 15,000.00 pesos in my wallet instead; but who's to say I'm not gonna buy the PS3 with it anyway?

There are a few problems with my wants list. The most obvious one, they're too expensive. Two, some of the stuff there, I already have. For example, I have a laptop (the one I'm using to write this blog.) There's things wrong with it, like the keyboard missing some keys and some keys don't work at all. Point to the obvious, I'm not using the keyboard on said laptop, I have a USB keyboard which is a fix -- a cheap fix (and I didn't even buy it.) A brand new car to replace the I car use that isn't even mine. And the cellphone I have right now if fine and working.

Does that make me selfish for having my wants differ so much from my needs? Or is that how wants are supposed to work? Maybe I'm overthinking this too much, but I know somewhere deep down that I'm not wrong. And somewhere deep down, I don't really care.

So I told my friend to get me a shirt. It's not expensive and the Big Man knows I need it.

PS. Thanks ahead, assholes. :D

1 comment:


    merge celebration!!!! :)
